Being a natural light photographer I like to plan my sessions for late afternoon, the “golden hour”, which creates beautiful lighting. Therefore, 1-2 hours before sunset is ideal. This avoids harsh sunlight and shadows on faces and squinty eyes! If shooting a midday session is necessary we will find a good amount of shade to hide under.
Location plays a big role in the look and feel photos. Are you looking for natural landscapes? Trees, benches, parks, lakes? Or do you prefer an urban feel? If you are uncertain or do not know of any places that interest you, I will give you a list of suggestions.
During shoots, just remember to be yourself and have fun! Make it an outing not an appointment! Mood shows through photos, to ensure the best images just relax and enjoy yourself and your loved ones!
What to Wear
It is best to color coordinate versus matching. For example, if everyone is wearing the same solid color collared shirt it will may look more like a uniform. Family photos are fun, everyone should get to show their personality! I recommend choosing a outfit scheme of 3-4 colors. Textures and layers show up nicely in photos. Always avoid logos. Timeless looks are the best vs. a current trend. Simple attire with solid colors or small patterns is key!