Little Gavin was turning a year old so his mom wanted to do a fun Cake Smash photo shoot. It was awesome. We both came up with some awesome ideas for the session. She got the letters to spell out ONE and he had so much fun checking out each letter.
Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer
How precious is he? I just love his curls!!
Hanging out with mom and dad. I just love these. You can tell he loves them!
Then it was cake eating time. He was a little hesitant at first but ending up digging in.
Daddy giving Gavin a little help. Then Gavin giving his Daddy a look saying, “You better get away from my cake”. Gavin’s mom made the cake. It looks so delicious! Even I wanted to dig in. Ha!
This face is hilarious and cracks me up every time I see it!!
The aftermath. Just so handsome. Love his eyes.
His sister is having a unicorn party for her fourth birthday party so we tried to grab some photos of her. She was having a rough day so it was a little difficult. I did manage to grab this one and I love it.
Gavin wasn’t too sure of the unicorn.
You can see more photos on my Facebook Page.
Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer
sarah these pictures are awesome u can really capture some good stuff, this birthday party was awesome I am so proud of you, u can really take some memories pictures, I wished I could take them like that, but not, I always thank about ya since are rc racing days we had at ecmx, and thanks for posting pictures of you and the boys, and the boys are getting so big, tell them hi for me, if they remember me and erik and the dogs, I will have to get u to come and take some of them or us, we don’t really have any pictures of sunday or all of us, thank you for posting you wonderful pictures, toni